Monday, February 7, 2011

don't tell daddy

Thomson and I worked on an art project yesterday. It started out as finger painting but Thomson decided he wanted to do face painting. The paint tasted really weird and don't tell daddy but some might have gotten into his eyes. I realized it was probably a bad idea! We went straight for the bathtub which is always fun! Tomorrow we will stick to crayons.

Thomson is 15 months and crawling all over the house, into everything, pulling up on everything, and walking if he holds my hand. He is talking talking talking, saying lots of words and yesterday he put two words together: "Bates outside".
Talking, to me, has been the most fun of all of the milestones. All of a sudden about a month ago we realized that he was learning everything we said. I would say "Let's turn on the lights" and he would look up at the light and then look over to the switch. Or "It's time to take a bath" and he would start crawling towards the bathroom saying "bath bath bath bath". Or "Bates wants to go outside" and he crawls to the back door, stands up and reaches for the knob.
I expect he will be walking soon so we will be back with a video!


  1. Gus just told me that 1 in every 500 children develop eyeball fungus from finger paint. I hope you flushed those eyes with saline. And flushed them well. :)

  2. finger paint? You're a brave mommy. Not surprised :)

