Today was supposed to be Thomson's last Mother's Morning Out for the summer but we were up all night with a high fever and very sick baby. I have been looking for an incentive to slow myself down and this is it - nothing will stop you in your tracks like a sick baby. Nothing else is important except for making him feel better. I am so glad that this is now and not next week. So today is Mother's Morning In!
New baby is still hanging in there even after a few hiccups along the way. We spent a few hours in the hospital last week but he was looking strong and so we left him there to finish growing. The c-section is scheduled a week from tomorrow. The stockings are hung, bags are packed and we are ready. Ready at least to meet him, not sure if we are ready for the storm after that.
Thomson is adorable as ever. He is into everything and learning new things every day. His new word is amen - "aah-me" and he helps us finish our blessings and prayers, then he claps and laughs. He is running everywhere. He loves books, especially new ones, and he loves to point out things that he knows in every book. We took away his pacifier last week - bad timing but it has gone pretty well so far. I thought we would try it one night and we have stayed strong since then. I figure it is going to be difficult whenever we take it away so we might as well do it while we don't have a newborn. I am sure he will find Baby's pacifiers so we might have a little fight on our hands.
Thomson loves to play on the baby things - the bouncer especially. He runs to the nursery yelling "
bebe bebe bebe" and likes to talk about all of "
bebe's" things. I think it will be fun for him to have a baby here and I think the transition will be pretty smooth. He loves stuffed animals and real animals so he will probably think the new baby is a cross between the two.
I will try to get some pictures together for one more post before baby is born . . .