Monday, November 1, 2010

Wasps, turning 30, turning 1

We have been crazy busy around the Sams house. Here is how my morning went:
Me: "Bates, what do you have in your mouth?"
Bates: Running, yelping, running, shaking the object of play, yelping...
Me: "Looks like my glove, hmmm - wait, is that a WASP NEST?"
Me: Running, screaming
Bates: Runing, yelping, shaking the nest in his mouth

The past few weeks have been so full. I am due for a major blog post about all of these fun events:

- I turned 3-0 last week and we celebrated a LOT, went to the mountains and out for several dinners with friends in Athens.

- Thomson started CRAWLING last Thursday, 6 days before his first birthday.

- We have Thomson's party this weekend and have been getting ready for the fun!

- Thomson is sick right now with a high fever since Saturday. We were up a lot last night.

- And our dog is craving attention so he finds things to get in trouble with like WASPS.

We were too sick to dress up for Halloween, but Thomson was a duck with his buddy Emory for the Marietta Halloween parade. It was rainy and too close to supper-time and T would not wear the duck hat, not even for a picture.
Here we are with Brooks Bagwell and Emory Lowry at the parade:
Here is the hated-hat


  1. CUTE!!!! I love the duck costumes and I am so sad I missed seeing the little duck in action!!!!!

  2. It was so good to see you Nat! I hope Thomson gets better soon and that Bates did not get stung! Ouch!

  3. I want Thomson's tights in my size. So adorable! And Monty eats bees all the time. What can you do??

